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Training of Trainers for Business Process Management RSC_IPU_AAAEP_BPM_2 Unit

Lists linked to Division Of Research And Commercialisation

Title Sort by title Teaching Period Last updated Sort by last updated
RSC_IPU_AAAEP_IFMIS - Process Review and Re-engineering for IFMIS Short Course Semester 2 2022 Ended 19/11/2022 20/05/2022 04:32:34
RSC_IPU_AAAEP_IFMIS - Process Review and Re-engineering for IFMIS Short Course Semester 2 2023 Ended 18/11/2023 25/11/2022 04:51:30
RSC_IPU_AAAEP_IFMIS - Process Review and Re-engineering for IFMIS Short Course Semester 2 2024 20/05/2024 00:27:47