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Bookshop Lists TEXTS Department
Library Back to Study LIB_101 Unit
QUT Readings training TRAINING Course
Screen Reader ABC123 Unit
Testing TEST Unit

Lists linked to Library

Title Sort by title Teaching Period Last updated Sort by last updated
01 27/06/2023 00:39:47
1 04/06/2019 02:14:24
1 27/06/2023 00:38:59
2019 Summer Semester 3 Examination Papers 17/03/2020 23:54:14
2022 Disability Test List 17/11/2022 03:28:12
2022 E Papers_Test Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 08:05:14
2022 E Papers_Test Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 09/08/2022 00:36:53
2022 E Papers_Test Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 25/11/2022 03:01:56
[TEST] Section connection Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 07:57:54
[TEST] Section connection Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 25/11/2022 02:53:02
[TEST] Section connection Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 19/07/2022 00:30:18
AA_GSB_Greg_Test_for_2019 11/03/2020 02:19:32
AAAEP Contract Management 27/07/2020 05:39:27
Advertising [Example list] 05/01/2021 23:39:52
BFS101: Test List Semester 1 2023 Ended 24/06/2023 25/11/2022 03:52:36
BFS101: Test List Semester 1 2022 Ended 02/07/2022 19/11/2021 01:14:51
BFS101: Test List Semester 1 2024 Ended 22/06/2024 29/11/2023 06:45:35
Bryn Example for Reviews Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 20/11/2023 00:14:40
BSU101 Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 07:33:36
BSU101 Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 22/02/2023 04:22:48
BSU101 Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 17/02/2022 06:44:15
CiteWrite Readings 26/02/2020 03:32:14
Copy of LRS Bryn disabilities test Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 21/03/2023 01:41:08
Copy of LRS Bryn disabilities test Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 08:14:32
Copyright Service 28/02/2023 00:44:40
Copyright UpSkill 26/07/2024 07:01:25
denise test hdr Semester 2 2022 Ended 19/11/2022 20/05/2022 04:35:25
eResearch Workshops Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 25/11/2022 01:49:51
eResearch Workshops Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 07:00:18
eResearch Workshops Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 19/11/2021 04:50:23
Governance, Finance, and Investigation [Example list] 02/02/2021 23:48:10
Greg's test list Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 08:15:00
Greg's test list Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 06/04/2023 02:57:26
LGBTQIA+ Resources for the School of Biomedical Sciences (Copy of LGBTQIA+ Resources for the Faculty of Science) 08/04/2024 04:09:55
LIB202 - Open LIST 27/01/2023 05:22:45
LIB2020_FY_2022 Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 03/02/2022 02:21:22
LIB2020_FY_2022 Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 25/11/2022 02:51:01
LIB2020_FY_2022 Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 07:56:09
LIB333 - Training 25/10/2023 22:34:37
LIB333 - Training Semester 2 2022 Ended 19/11/2022 02/11/2022 05:14:40
LIB997 Library Test List Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 17/10/2022 06:22:38
LIB997 Library Test List Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 25/11/2022 03:04:07
LIB998 Semester 2 2022 Ended 19/11/2022 03/08/2022 03:30:02
LIB998 Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 07:55:55
LIB998 Semester 2 2024 19/05/2024 23:56:34
LIB998 Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 02/11/2022 02:56:32
LIB998 Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 28/06/2022 00:22:22
LIB998 Semester 2 2023 Ended 18/11/2023 25/11/2022 04:09:07
LIB998 Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 25/11/2022 02:50:48
Librarian 14/03/2023 22:45:54
LRS Bryn disabilities test Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 04/10/2022 00:03:37
LRS Bryn disabilities test (Maree) Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 07:15:44
LRS Bryn disabilities test (Maree) Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 13/03/2023 00:40:04
LRS etest 30/07/2018 10:16:53
Office Design (LRS) 12/07/2021 00:14:10
OpenAthens testing 22/04/2022 04:12:36
OpenURL testing 22/07/2024 06:16:26
Overview 25/02/2021 05:27:47
QUTIC test Full Year 2024 29/11/2023 07:05:39
QUTIC test Full Year 2022 Ended 31/12/2022 19/11/2021 04:57:05
QUTIC test Full Year 2023 Ended 31/12/2023 25/11/2022 01:55:46
Sandpit Summer Program 2022/2023 Ended 24/02/2023 13/01/2023 02:38:14
sandpit_QUTReadings Summer Program 2022/2023 Ended 24/02/2023 17/11/2022 02:44:34
Sem 1, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - Faculty of Business & Law 05/02/2021 00:57:02
Sem 1, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice 05/02/2021 01:15:19
Sem 1, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - Faculty of Engineering 05/02/2021 01:22:00
Sem 1, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - Faculty of Health 20/07/2023 01:45:44
Sem 1, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - Faculty of Science 20/07/2023 01:59:32
Sem 1, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - QUT College 05/02/2021 00:34:49
Sem 2, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - Business 18/06/2021 06:07:01
Sem 2, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - CI, Education & Social Justice 18/06/2021 06:10:54
Sem 2, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - Health 18/06/2021 06:18:24
Sem 2, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - QUT College 18/06/2021 06:19:27
Sem 2, 2021 Textbook Adoption List - Science 18/06/2021 06:21:10
Sem 2, 2021Textbook Adoption List - Engineering 18/06/2021 06:12:46
Sem 2, 2024 Textbook Adoption List - GP 25/06/2024 05:08:31
Sem 2, 2024 Textbook Adoption List - KG 17/06/2024 07:03:35
Summer Semester, 2023 Textbook Adoption List - GP 29/11/2023 04:54:50
Summer Semester, 2023 Textbook Adoption List - KG 27/10/2023 05:31:54
Teaching Cultural Safety 20/12/2022 23:24:14
test Semester 1 2024 Ended 22/06/2024 29/11/2023 06:14:01
test Semester 1 2023 Ended 24/06/2023 12/12/2022 05:13:06
test Semester 1 2022 Ended 02/07/2022 19/11/2021 01:04:38
testing 02/05/2023 09:32:24
Theory Reader 16/12/2020 02:40:39